
Saturday, July 20, 2013


Semarang is one of the cities located on the coastal area of North Java, which is also the capital city of Central Java Province. Since the 8th century, Semarang, at that time was named Pragota, was the major harbor of Mataram Kuno Kingdom that was centered in Yogyakarta. This harbor was the center of departure for the seamen of Mataram Kuno, who could sail to Tanjung Harapan, Africa, and Madagascar, long before the European sailors had their voyage and before Christopher Columbus found Africa. As the Javanese Port, Semarang was not only a dock for the local, but also for the foreign ships from the whole part of the world. In other word, Semarang was a gate for international trading route. Through Pragota harbor, Mataram Kuno exported rice and imported cotton from India. Later, the cooperation continued to cultural domain and trust, which was proven by the existence of Gedong Songo Temple (Gedong Songo Temple) on the slope area of Ungaran Mountain (13 kilometers from Rawa Pening).

In the 15th century, Pragota was called on by a big ship led by Admiral Cheng Ho, a Chinese that was well-known because of his peaceful diplomatic journey to many parts of the world using colossal fleet. To commemorate him, a great temple named the Great Sam Poo Kong Shrine was build. Then, the Chinese culture brought by Cheng Ho and his people assimilated with the local one, so that there was a mixed culture that influenced each other in many fields, especially in Gastronomy (culinary). The examples of this acculturation are the legendary Soto Bangkong, Pong Tofu, and lumpia (Lumpia Gang Lombok), which are the combination of Javanese and Chinese culinary. Later, the Chinese descendants, who permanently stay in Semarang, live in an area that is called Chinatown.

Not far from this location, there is a site consists of old building with European architectural style, which is called Kota Lama or Little Netherland. Located around Berok River, there is an area surrounded by canal and polder, which became the center of Semarang city in the Dutch colonialism era. One of the buildings that become the landmark of this city is Blenduk church. After enjoying the beauty of Kota Lama, it’s better for you to visit Oen Shop, a legendary restaurant since 1936 with various kinds of Dutch food that is cooked with classic recipe.
The glory of Semarang as a lively port did not only happen in the past, but it is still continuing up to now. In the past, Pragota harbor was a dock for Cheng Ho’s ship, and now, it becomes a dock for luxury passenger ship containing foreign tourists. It also developed into industrial city, a place where the first Indonesian jamu (herbal medicine) company established. The history of the development of this company can be seen in Museum Record of Indonesia (Indonesia Record Museum / MURI) that is managed by PT. Jamu Jago and Jamu Nyonya Meneer Museum.

Semarang also posses many glorious worth-visit buildings with interesting architectural style. In the area of Pecinan, there is various size of temple that can be an interesting reference of architectural journey. Moreover, Lawang Sewu that was constructed with art deco style has twins tower in front. This building, which was originally named as Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatshcappij (NIS), was actually built as the Dutch Railways Division. For you who are interested in architectural trip, a visit to Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (The Great Mosque of Central Java) on Gajah Street is a right choice with its six hydraulic umbrellas and a ninety-nine-meters lighthouse that combine an architectural style from Middle East, Rome, and Java.

As the last recommendation for your excellent trip to Semarang, we suggest you to visit Gardu Pandang Gombel in Semarang Atas (the highland area of Semarang). From this place, you can see the beautiful scenery of Semarang city in the evening with its special view. You can also see ships and vessels back and forth in the harbor. Not only that, when the sun goes down and closes the day, there will be fantastic colors appear. To complete your journey before you really leave this city, don’t forget to buy special food from Semarang, wingko babat and bandeng presto, in the gift shop on Pandanaran Street.

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