
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Gadri Resto

Having lunch at Gadri Resto on Rotowijayan street was another culinary treat that intrigued me more because of the esthetic factor of the restaurant. It’s actually the house of Prince Joyokusumo of the Yogyakarta sultanate, the little brother of the ruling sultan in present time, Sri Sultan Hamengku Bowono X. Never been in a royal house other than the Keraton before, but there is a first for everything.

The front porch was turned into a restaurant with a little spot in the corner by the cash register dedicated as a batik workshop. You can also pop inside to see the antique Javanese decorated house. The family still lives there but activities mostly roam in the back part. 

The serving took a while, we had to reconfirm with the waitress whether our orders have been cooked or not. Turns out that there’s been a mix-up in our order. I had Blawon Rice, consisted of rice, boiled egg, deep fried chicken, meat, salad, and a prawn cracker. But to be fair, the food was far from disappointing.

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