
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Some Beverages

one might say ‘Bintang’ when asked what a Balinese drink is, but it is not. Bintang is a brand of Indonesian beer. Traditional Balinese drinks are kopyor (coconut water) which is served with chunks of the fresh meat.

Air jeruk is a kind of orange juice, it usually super sweet because of sugar added. 
Air jeruk can be serve hot or cold. Fruits that might be available for drinks (or juice) are jeruk (orange), pisang (banana), pepaya(papaya),
alpukat (avocado), mangga (mango), sirsak (soursop). 

The drink can consist of fruit, ice and evaporated milk. When you ask for avocado juice you will get chocolate syrup added. Teh panas (hot tea) andKopi Bali (coffee) are served black with sugar.

If you don’t like sugar or you prefer bitter then you have to tell them. You can ask for milk for no extra charge. Lastly there is tuak, a fermented palm beer, arak a palm liquor and brem and also rice wine.

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