
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Monumen Jogja Kembali
The Track of Six Hours Occurrence in Yogyakarta

The sound of serene signaling break time sounded from the Dutch defense post. Lieutenant Colonel Suharto as Commander of Brigade 10 of Wehrkreise III area attacked to the Dutch defense post after getting an agreement from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX as initiator of the attack. 

The Dutch troop that since the Dutch Military Aggression II in December 1948 was distributed to small posts was separated and weakened. During six hours, Indonesian National Army secceeded in occupying Yogyakarta, after hitting the Dutch troop. Right at 12.00 in the afternoon, as it was planned, all Indonesian army drew back from the city center when the Dutch support came, total loose at the Dutch side.

This battle known as Serangan Umum 1 Maret was initial authentication to the international world that Indonesia Nationa Army still had power to fight and to state that the Republic of Indonesia still existed. This was triggered by the capture and the exile of Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to Sumatra setting propaganda that the Republic of Indonesia had not existed.

The news about the six hours attacks was sent to Wonosari, continued to Bukit Tinggi, then Burma, New Delhi (India), and finally in the main office of the UN in New York. With this news, the United Nations that considered Indonesia to have been independent compelled the execution of KTN ( Komisi Tiga Negara/Commission of Three Nations ). The meeting held in Des Indes Hotel Jakarta on 14 April 1949, where Indonesia was represented by Moh. Roem and representatives of Netherlands led by Van Royen, resulted in an agreement signed on 7 May 1949. This agreement was later called Roem Royen Statement. In this agreement Netherlands was compelled to withdraw its troop from Indonesia, and to return President and the Vice President, Sukarno – Hatta to Yogyakarta. Finally on 27 December 1949. Netherlands officially handed over the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

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