
Monday, July 29, 2013

The Magnificent Mount Bromo

The Mount Bromo is located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya. It is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres. The magnificent Mount Bromo will not disappoint with it is spectacular views and dramatic landscape. It has 2392 meters tall. The Mount Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but it is stunning beauty lies in it is incredible setting. The visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mount Bromo. From this spot the vista is magnificent.

All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture the incredible scene of Mount Bromo in the foreground with Mount Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky.

The Mount Bromo has particular significance for the Tengger people who believe that this was the site where a brave prince sacrificed his life for his family. The people here appease the Gods once a year during the annual Kasada festival where offerings of vegetables, chickens and money are thrown into the crater of the volcano. Watching the sunrise spectacularly over Mount Bromo is the highlight of any trip here. You can visit Mount Bromo in the month of Kasada (usually in September – November) and to be the witness of the annual Kasada festival.

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