
Sunday, August 25, 2013


In the last morning of our holiday in Jogja, we picked up bakpia that we ordered the day before.

What is bakpia, you wonder?

Bakpia is a small round-shaped pastry, usually stuffed with mung beans, but in the past couple of years it also comes in other fillings like chocolate, durian, and cheese.
My favorite was the one with cheese filling. In the shop, they also sell other kinds of Javanese special food, like Krasian and Yangko. 

There are a lot of places that sell bakpia, and some are the bakpia pathok kind, which has softer wrap. I’m sure there are others who have explored Yogyakarta more thoroughly and stay there longer than I have. And I’m not done with this region with so many interesting places, myths, arts, good food, and scenic nature. I was even supposed to go back there again a few months ago when unfortunately they had to close down the airport due to safety reason concerning the Merapi situation. 

So, another visit to Yogyakarta is to be expected soon. Until then, have a great time exploring Yogyakarta on your own, hopefully with some help from our references.

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