
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Soto Kadipiro

My friend took us for a breakfast one day at Soto Kadipiro, on Wates Street. The menu was chicken soto (soup-like dish), mainly consisted of shredded chicken and rice vermicelli, and you can also plunge your steamed rice in it or prepare it in a separate plate. 

What made the diner interesting for me was not the food – chicken soto is always just an okay to me, never been my first choice of food, but it’s apparently one of the favorite dishes throughout Indonesia – but the decorations. Visual esthetics always intrigues me. 

They’ve got pictures of wayang (Indonesian puppetry), vintage stuff like bottles, photos of the first president of Indonesia Republic showing so much respect to his mother and other oldie photos, and then there’s a sign that says “Please smoke cigarette as much as you like”. (That’s wrong, I know, but smoking is harshly part of the Indonesian culture. However, you wouldn’t see a sign like this anywhere else.)

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