
Friday, August 9, 2013

Jogging in the morning

Jogging is something that many people dread doing, no matter what time of day. It's difficult to become a jogger, if you've never been active before. However, becoming a jogger - specifically a morning jogger has many benefits both physically and mentally. Here are some of the reasons why you should become a morning jogger.

Benefits of Jogging in the Morning
By getting up half an hour earlier and using it for a morning jog, you will actually benefit yourself in a large number of ways. Jogging in the morning, before doing anything else will actually give you more energy throughout the day. This energy boost will help you throughout your entire day because you'll be more focused and get more done than you would have previously before you began jogging.
Jogging in the morning will also help boost your metabolism for the entire day. You'll lose excess pounds and feel healthier. It's also good for your heart and improves your blood circulation.
Jogging in the morning also means better sleep at night. You'll feel more relaxed and be able to sleep through an entire night. If you've been suffering from insomnia, then going for a run each morning may actually help you.
Making a Morning Jog a Routine
Getting up in the morning for a morning jog can be difficult at first. However, consistency is key. Eventually, getting up early for a morning jog will be routine and you won't even have to think about it. In fact, after only two or three weeks, you may actually want to get up for a morning jog.
If you're just starting to pull yourself out of bed in the morning for a jog, there are a few tips. The night before, be sure to pull out your jogging clothes and have them ready. Don't skip days, but don't overdo it. Start by jogging on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Slowly, after 2 weeks, add one more day to the mix. Each week, add one more day. After a while, you'll be able to get up each morning to jog without question.
Be sure to stretch your leg muscles prior to starting. Even two or three minutes of stretching and a slow walk building up to a power walk, and then finally turning into a jog will benefit you greatly.
Soon, you'll want to get up to jog in the morning. It may sound crazy, but you'll be surprised at how great you feel each morning after you jog. In fact, in my experience once I'm out of bed I start gathering energy and I'm more awake than before I was jogging.

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