
Friday, August 9, 2013


It's often said swimming is the best exercise you can do. After all, it works your whole body, yet it's gentle on joints, reducing the risk of injury. And you don't need to worry about the smell of hot sweaty armpits afterwards.

But what if you're swimming with your waistline in mind? While it's great for fitness and muscle tone, it's probably not the best choice if weight loss is your main aim."If you want to lose weight, you're better off walking around a pool than swimming in it," Cate says. "That's obviously a bit extreme, but it does make the point. From a fat loss perspective, swimming has some real negatives compared to other forms of exercise."

One of the problems is buoyancy. When you're in the pool, your weight is supported by water, so you don't burn as much energy to move. And the more body fat you have, the more this applies – because fat floats. So someone with more body fat will actually burn fewer kilojoules swimming than someone who is slimmer (all other things being equal). Likewise, a woman's higher proportion of body fat means she will burn fewer kilojoules than a man swimming under the same conditions.

Temperature is another possible issue. Whatever your size or gender, it's usually easier to maintain your normal body temperature during and after a swim, compared to exercising on land, Cate says. This may mean you burn comparatively less fuel, because you don't have to work as hard to maintain your body temperature and keep yourself cool. (But the effect of different water temperatures on fat loss among swimmers has not been thoroughly tested.)

Finally, it is quite likely you will eat more after a swim. Many people notice exercise suppresses their appetite, but there's evidence this is less pronounced if you exercise in water. Again, it's thought changes to body temperature play a role. This might be one reason elite swimmers often have more body fat than their counterparts who exercise on land, Cate says.

All this doesn't mean you can't lose weight swimming, just that it will be more difficult to do so than with most other land-based exercise (except cycling, which like swimming, is not weight-bearing). Tables that compare kilojoules burned per hour for different forms of exercise can be misleading and are not a good guide, Cate says. This is because it's not easy to gauge equivalent intensities of swimming versus, say walking.

But if you enjoy swimming, don't throw in the towel. It is still great exercise and certainly better for fat loss than sitting on the couch. And it's ideal for people with injuries or for those who carry so much weight that they find walking painful.

Using the larger muscles in your legs intensely when you swim as well as your arms, alternating laps where you go as fast as you can with laps where you swim more slowly to catch your breath. Setting personal challenges, such as increasing your time to complete a set number of laps. Trying some other water-based activities like aqua-aerobics, shallow-water walking (aim for ankle to mid-thigh depth) and deep-water running wearing a flotation vest.

Getting your technique right so you can go faster and for longer Improving your fitness (in the pool or elsewhere); the fitter you are, the better you are at burning fat. Managing your appetite; eat only what you need to satisfy your hunger after your swim and plan ahead so you're not tempted by unhealthy choices.

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