
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Silver Handicraft

Kotagede silver handicraft is a business run from generation to generation. Its silver products have eminent characteristic of being unique, smooth, and neat. It is not superfluous that this handicraft center always becomes a favorite place to go.kotagede silver craftsmen divides silver products into four types, filigree with holed texture, engraving with its bulging surface, casting shape which is produced with molding technique, and handmade which uses hand skill to make finger ring and necklace.

Generally, silver handicraft of kotagede is divided into four kinds,jewelry such as necklace,bracelet, ring, ear ring, and miniature items like ship and temple, wall decoration and other kinds of ornament. Kotagede silver handicraft is set at various prices starting from forty thousand for brooch, one hundred thousand for jewelry like finger ring, and up to thirty million rupiah for miniature handicraft. Even, the price could be more expensive,depending on difficulties in the making process and also material type.

Meanwhile the material is categorized into two types, silver piece which so-called gilapan, and silver threads that is familiarly known as filigran. In each silver handicraft making process, craftsmen do not use pure silver, but it is combined with copper because pure silver is too flabby to be shaped into handicraft. Copper is good element to harden handicraft form.

Kotagede silver handicraft has good reputation in the eye of international world, foreign travelers have great passion in purchasing silver handicraft. On the contrary, local residents are more interested in wearing gold, since it is considered as classy jewelry.since long time ago, the domestic market is limited in bali and jakarta, which means local market only covers twenty percent of the selling point, and the rest is made by foreign travelers.

The currently unstable silver production has influenced silver handicraft price in kotagede. Furthermore, the increased price of silver has pushed silver craftsmen to raise the price.

Kotagede is not the only silver handicraft center in the world,as the city has serious competitors in thailand, vietnam, and india. Reflecting from the current situation, it is poor that silver handicraft which is claimed as the world’s heritage has declined. For that reason, the government is urged to support the development of kotagede silver handicraft.

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