
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Monumen Jogja Kembali
The Track of Six Hours Occurrence in Yogyakarta

The sound of serene signaling break time sounded from the Dutch defense post. Lieutenant Colonel Suharto as Commander of Brigade 10 of Wehrkreise III area attacked to the Dutch defense post after getting an agreement from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX as initiator of the attack. 

The Dutch troop that since the Dutch Military Aggression II in December 1948 was distributed to small posts was separated and weakened. During six hours, Indonesian National Army secceeded in occupying Yogyakarta, after hitting the Dutch troop. Right at 12.00 in the afternoon, as it was planned, all Indonesian army drew back from the city center when the Dutch support came, total loose at the Dutch side.

This battle known as Serangan Umum 1 Maret was initial authentication to the international world that Indonesia Nationa Army still had power to fight and to state that the Republic of Indonesia still existed. This was triggered by the capture and the exile of Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to Sumatra setting propaganda that the Republic of Indonesia had not existed.

The news about the six hours attacks was sent to Wonosari, continued to Bukit Tinggi, then Burma, New Delhi (India), and finally in the main office of the UN in New York. With this news, the United Nations that considered Indonesia to have been independent compelled the execution of KTN ( Komisi Tiga Negara/Commission of Three Nations ). The meeting held in Des Indes Hotel Jakarta on 14 April 1949, where Indonesia was represented by Moh. Roem and representatives of Netherlands led by Van Royen, resulted in an agreement signed on 7 May 1949. This agreement was later called Roem Royen Statement. In this agreement Netherlands was compelled to withdraw its troop from Indonesia, and to return President and the Vice President, Sukarno – Hatta to Yogyakarta. Finally on 27 December 1949. Netherlands officially handed over the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Magnificent Mount Bromo

The Mount Bromo is located some 4 hours drive from Surabaya. It is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 square kilometres. The magnificent Mount Bromo will not disappoint with it is spectacular views and dramatic landscape. It has 2392 meters tall. The Mount Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but it is stunning beauty lies in it is incredible setting. The visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mount Bromo. From this spot the vista is magnificent.

All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture the incredible scene of Mount Bromo in the foreground with Mount Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky.

The Mount Bromo has particular significance for the Tengger people who believe that this was the site where a brave prince sacrificed his life for his family. The people here appease the Gods once a year during the annual Kasada festival where offerings of vegetables, chickens and money are thrown into the crater of the volcano. Watching the sunrise spectacularly over Mount Bromo is the highlight of any trip here. You can visit Mount Bromo in the month of Kasada (usually in September – November) and to be the witness of the annual Kasada festival.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Parangtritis Beach

The most popular beach is in Yogyakarta. It is located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transportation that operate up to 17 : 00 pm as well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit this most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive sooner, it will not hurt for going up to Tebing Gembirawati (Gembirawati cliffs) behind this beach.

A romantic sunset in Parangtritis will happen if the sun is leaning to the west and the weather is sunny, it is time for having fun. Swimming is prohibited for all of visitors there. Walking along the sand surface that is smoothly swept by the wave with two wheeled horse drawn carriage is no less enjoyable. The carriage will bring us to the end of the east coast of parangtritis beach where the cluster of rocks that is so beautiful. It is often used as the spot of a pre wedding photo shoot.

The dim twilight and golden shade of the sun on the water surface more raise a romantic atmosphere. Parangtritis beach also offers the excitement for those who travel with family. And some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach where we can hang out there until late at night. There are tens of inns and accommodations avalable at an affordable price.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mandala Wisata

Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana or more commonly know as Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. It was established since 1990. And it has more than 605 balinese monkeys. You can see a lot of monkeys hanging on some trees. Eyes constantly are shown by the activities of monkeys that live comfortably in the sanctuary which has an area of approximatey 27 hectares. Some of them are being lazy on the roadside, adult females holding a tiny baby and they are also playing in a water pool near the entrance.

When Ubud began opening up to tourists, there are fears of local people that the tourist presence will affect the habitat of monkeys that live in Padangtegal, the greenest village in Ubud. The community built a sanctuary in the regin that is most sacred because it has a temple that was founded in the mid 14th century. There are 3 temples located in monkey forest Ubud : Pura Dalem Agung located in the southwest, Pura Beji which has the structure of the “ Tiga (three) Mandala “ and Pura Prajapati as a cremation place. Pura beji that is located near to a small river has a pond that was formerly used as a place to purify selves. It was said that visitors who pray and throw a coin into the pond their prayer will be granted. Local people believe that this forest is a place to be connected to the spiritual world. The sacradness of monkey forest sanctuary can also be seen from the number of offerings on the side of the statues that are on the roadside or in front of the temples and near big trees.

The monkeys that live in this forest seem to be familiar with people. Balinese people believe that the monkey is a manifestation of positive and negative energy. It has correlation with Ramayana epic story and the story of Tari Barong (Barong Dance). Monkeys are manifested as a symbol of goodness, as seen in figure of Hanoman, the monkey who was assigned by Rama to help Sita from Rahwana’s hand. The evil force of monkeys can be seen from the characteristics of the antagonistic monkey that became Rahwana’s force. Monkey forest are considered sacred and protected by Balinese people.
They believe that monkeys are able to keep the existence of the temple against the evil energy and soul. Many tourists say that the monkeys here are more adorable and friendly than monkeys in Uluwatu Temple. The visitors can freely give a banana to the monkey without fear of being attacked. There are some incidents that make us to be more careful.

The natural beauty of monkey forest sanctuary is not only seen from the balence kept between nature and humans that is manifested through this sanctuary. Sacred monkey forest sanctuary was the choice. The shady trees and it is beautiful natural scenery seem right to be the shooting location, the scene was not the main scene, but this sanctuary is able to make Hollywood falling in love with.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Profile

Hello, .... Everyone.

Welcome to my blog

I am a local tourist guide who can speaks English and Indonesia.
I live in Indonesia.
If you might need me when you have plan to go to Indonesia.
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I would be glad to help you for your travelling in Indonesia.

I hope you enjoy with my blog.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ancol Dreamland

Ancol Dreamland is a huge recreation park located on Jakarta Bay. It is on the far north side of the city. Ancol Dreamland is open 24 hours. During the day, there are beaches, a marina, an amusement park, water park, aquarium and even a ropes course where you can fly through the jungle if you can hang on to the handle. Otherwise, you will be going for a swim. At night, there are concerts, restaurant, and bars to enjoy.

Sea World is just a short walk from Carnival Beach. It is a small but very nice aquarium that has a wide array of sea life. There are two main attractions within Sea World. The tunnel passing through the main aquarium and the shark aquarium. If you are there at feeding time, you will witness the shark feeding frenzy. It will take about two hours to see it. Next to Sea World, Gelanggang Samudra offers dolphin shows, and other live performances. All the jokes and commentary from the host is in Bahasa Indonesian. So, you probably will not understand much but the performance is fun to see none the less. They also have a 4D theater and some kids rides.

Across from Sea World and Gelanggang Samudra is the entrance to the cable cars that will take you over Atlantis Water Park on the way to Festival Beach and takes about 15 minutes. It will give a good aerial view. Festival Beach like Carnival Beach has a variety places to sit, relax and get something to eat or drink.

The Marina is near Festival Beach. You can rent a jet ski, charter a boat for a Jakarta Bay tour or rent some fishing equipment. It is also where the biggest stage is, where they often have concerts on weekends. If you are interested in going to Thousand Island. There is a travel agent office that houses numerous travel agencies who can arrange the trip.

Fantasy World (Dunia Fantasi) is right next to Festival Beach. It is the most popular attraction in Ancol, so expect big crowds on weekends. Their most recent addition is a free fall ride called Hysteria. You should allow about six hours to enjoy it. If you like indigenous art, there is the Art Market, and there is an excellent golf course as well.


Dieng name derived from Sanskrit language which is "di" means the place and "hyang" means Gods. Overall Dieng can be defined as a place of the Gods. While the residents said Dieng derived from the word "edi" which means beautiful in the Java language, and "aeng" meaning strange. In other words Dieng is a beautiful place with a lot of oddities.

Located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, Dieng community should be grateful for the abundance of wealth which conferred upon their beautiful and exotic land. Candi Arjuna (Arjuna Temple) Complex which is the oldest Hindu temple in Java is still standing upright in the middle of whipping time and weather, as the evidence of the cultural heritage of an extraordinary wealth. Although some parts of the temple began to wear out with age, the worship of Shiva temple built in 809 AD is still stand sturdy giving the peaceful feeling in the midst of the natural silence of the mountains.

The cold weather has led to the unique style of dress of its people. Temperatures during the day ranged between 15-20 degrees Celsius while in the night between 10 degrees Celsius. In July and August temperatures can reach 0 degrees Celsius during the day and -10 degrees Celsius at night.

The residents are taking advantage of the cold air to maximize their farms. Their abundant land converted into fields for growing various vegetables and fruits. The main commodities are potatoes and cabbage. Carica, typical papaya of Dieng is turned into delicious meals that always hunted as typical souvenir of Dieng. Purwaceng, a wild grass that grows, turned into a nutritious drink to increase male masculinity. Speaking of culinary, a must try food of Dieng is the delicious Tempeh Kemul and the legendary Mie Ongklok Wonosobo.

Dieng is an active volcanic region and can be regarded as a giant volcano. Plains formed from volcanic crater that has died. Crater shape can be seen obviously from the plain with mountains cluster surrounding. Yet despite this volcano has been dead for centuries, some volcanic craters are still active until now. Among these is Kawah Sikidang (Sikidang Crater), which is always on the move and jumping like a "kidang" or deer.

The uniqueness of the formation process produced an exotic landscape. Telaga Warna (Colorful Lake) that reflects the color green, blue and purple and enchanting the beauty of sunrise from the summit of Gunung Sikunir (Mount Sikunir) is the places that should not be passed just like that.

The land trusted as the place of the God, mystical aura and myth still believed by many indigenous people of Dieng. One is the phenomenon of anak gimbal (dreadlocks kids). For some reasons many children in this region was suddenly turned into dreadlocked. They were born normal, just like the other children, but then got a sudden high fever and grew dreads on their heads. Most people believed that children are the decendent of "pepunden" or ancestral founder of Dieng. They are then have to go through a cut ritual, after their demand were granted by the parents. When the parents fail to comply, the dreads will grow again though it has been cut many times.


Semarang is one of the cities located on the coastal area of North Java, which is also the capital city of Central Java Province. Since the 8th century, Semarang, at that time was named Pragota, was the major harbor of Mataram Kuno Kingdom that was centered in Yogyakarta. This harbor was the center of departure for the seamen of Mataram Kuno, who could sail to Tanjung Harapan, Africa, and Madagascar, long before the European sailors had their voyage and before Christopher Columbus found Africa. As the Javanese Port, Semarang was not only a dock for the local, but also for the foreign ships from the whole part of the world. In other word, Semarang was a gate for international trading route. Through Pragota harbor, Mataram Kuno exported rice and imported cotton from India. Later, the cooperation continued to cultural domain and trust, which was proven by the existence of Gedong Songo Temple (Gedong Songo Temple) on the slope area of Ungaran Mountain (13 kilometers from Rawa Pening).

In the 15th century, Pragota was called on by a big ship led by Admiral Cheng Ho, a Chinese that was well-known because of his peaceful diplomatic journey to many parts of the world using colossal fleet. To commemorate him, a great temple named the Great Sam Poo Kong Shrine was build. Then, the Chinese culture brought by Cheng Ho and his people assimilated with the local one, so that there was a mixed culture that influenced each other in many fields, especially in Gastronomy (culinary). The examples of this acculturation are the legendary Soto Bangkong, Pong Tofu, and lumpia (Lumpia Gang Lombok), which are the combination of Javanese and Chinese culinary. Later, the Chinese descendants, who permanently stay in Semarang, live in an area that is called Chinatown.

Not far from this location, there is a site consists of old building with European architectural style, which is called Kota Lama or Little Netherland. Located around Berok River, there is an area surrounded by canal and polder, which became the center of Semarang city in the Dutch colonialism era. One of the buildings that become the landmark of this city is Blenduk church. After enjoying the beauty of Kota Lama, it’s better for you to visit Oen Shop, a legendary restaurant since 1936 with various kinds of Dutch food that is cooked with classic recipe.
The glory of Semarang as a lively port did not only happen in the past, but it is still continuing up to now. In the past, Pragota harbor was a dock for Cheng Ho’s ship, and now, it becomes a dock for luxury passenger ship containing foreign tourists. It also developed into industrial city, a place where the first Indonesian jamu (herbal medicine) company established. The history of the development of this company can be seen in Museum Record of Indonesia (Indonesia Record Museum / MURI) that is managed by PT. Jamu Jago and Jamu Nyonya Meneer Museum.

Semarang also posses many glorious worth-visit buildings with interesting architectural style. In the area of Pecinan, there is various size of temple that can be an interesting reference of architectural journey. Moreover, Lawang Sewu that was constructed with art deco style has twins tower in front. This building, which was originally named as Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatshcappij (NIS), was actually built as the Dutch Railways Division. For you who are interested in architectural trip, a visit to Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (The Great Mosque of Central Java) on Gajah Street is a right choice with its six hydraulic umbrellas and a ninety-nine-meters lighthouse that combine an architectural style from Middle East, Rome, and Java.

As the last recommendation for your excellent trip to Semarang, we suggest you to visit Gardu Pandang Gombel in Semarang Atas (the highland area of Semarang). From this place, you can see the beautiful scenery of Semarang city in the evening with its special view. You can also see ships and vessels back and forth in the harbor. Not only that, when the sun goes down and closes the day, there will be fantastic colors appear. To complete your journey before you really leave this city, don’t forget to buy special food from Semarang, wingko babat and bandeng presto, in the gift shop on Pandanaran Street.


Malioboro is the most famous street in Yogyakarta. Located in the heart of Yogya, this is the city’s main street, and was once the ceremonial avenue for the Sultan to pass through on his way to and from the Keraton. During such occasions Malioboro would be festively decorated with flowers. Some say that the name Malioboro” derives from the name of the British governor Marlborough from the era when Britain ruled the archipelago, between 1811-1816.

Near the north gate of the Keraton or palace are grand Dutch colonial buildings that are now the Central Post Office and the Bank Dagang Negara. Walking further north is the well laid out State Guest House, which was once the home of the Dutch Resident, but which after Independence became the presidential palace when Yogya was the capital of the young Republic. President Soekarno stayed here between 1946-1949.

Across the road is the Vredenburg fort, which used to be the barracks of Dutch soldiers and is now a center for arts and painting exhibitions. On the same side of the road is Beringharjo market, Yogya’s crowded main market, where you can buy batik and souvenirs at cheap prices.

On Malioboro you will also find Yogyakarta’s oldest hotel, the Garuda Hotel, built in Dutch colonial architecture.
While steeped in history, today, Malioboro is the place to come to shop. It packed with shops selling curiosities, and street vendors offering souvenirs at affordable prices, so you’re bound to find something of interest in this street.

If you’re after some batik to take home as a souvenir, then Malioboro is the right place for you. From house dresses to formal batik wear, this street has them all. Batik can also be made into bags, table cloths, bed sheets, pillow covers, curtains, and a whole lot more.


Bali was introduced in Europe as a very beautiful mysterious island in 1920. A perfect combination of exotic natural beauty and its high culture that makes Bali become one of the major tourist destinations in Southeast Asia.

Bali is the only island in Indonesia that majority of the people is Hindu. Balinese Hindu culture is influenced by Majapahit, so its culture is a little different with the one in India. It is shown from the architecture of temples in Bali, and how its society to preserve their worshiping ceremonies and traditions. Many temples that full of historical stories and myths are spread on the coast and parts of Bali, for example Tanah Lot Temple, Uluwatu Temple, and Ulun Danu Temple.

Bali has a very stunning landscape. Bali has many beaches with white sand and panoramic views of the mountains as Mooi Indie paintings. Tropical forests will always accompany tourists traveling when exploring this island. No wonder that Bali is a place for honeymooners and wedding ceremonies for its natural beauty that makes those moments will feel perfect.

The beaches in Bali become one of the places to visit before they die. Heavenly scene with white sand and turquoise sea surrounded by a tropical paradise becomes distinct features of the beaches in Bali. Sunset and sunrise presented will really "take your breath away". Vraiment belle! In addition to stunning scenery, beaches in Bali are also known as a surfer paradise. Along Bukit Peninsula (Peninsula Hill) to Ngurah Rai Airport, you can explore some of famous beaches such as Kuta, Jimbaran, Dreamland, Padang-Padang, Pecatu, and Uluwatu.

Bali also has areas that are perfect for fans of nightlife. Kuta area filled with young tourists has many bars and nightclubs that make this area never die. For tourists who want to enjoy the nightlife in Bali more privately and classy, there is nothing wrong for them to visit the bar and nightclub in Seminyak area. If you want to experience the life style a la Balinese people, Ubud that is famous as a center of Balinese art is perfect for you. Ubud area presents hospitality that makes anyone comfortable to live there. Every day both dance performances and art exhibitions can be seen and enjoyed. The area that is a place for filming Eat Pray Love also has a museum that stores the works of world famous maestro such as The Blanco Renaissance Museum or Museum Puri Lukisan (Puri Paintings Museum). There is also The Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary that is perfect for family tour.

The cool mountain area will await you. Some attractions such as Bedugul and Lake Beratan with Ulun Danu Temple can be visited. Kintamani with beautiful views of Mount Batur becomes a place that cannot be missed. The journey to Trunyan Village located near Lake Batur could be an alternative for those who want to know the life of Bali Aga community or original Balinese community.
Bali also has spa facility that must exist in the tourist itinerary. Almost every main road in Bali, we can find a place or hotel that offers spa. Balinese Spa is famous as the best spa in the world because the presented serene atmosphere. In addition, Bali also provides private villas that are perfect for those who want serenity and peace.

The exoticism of Bali is not only seen from its stunning landscape, culture is no less beautiful and exotic. Balinese dances adopting a cross cultural and Hindu myths combined with local arts make it special. Many performances are presented to tourists every day. For instance, Kecak Dance presented every approaching sunset gives mystical atmosphere to the audiences. Barong Dance showing local wisdom also becomes a performance that cannot be missed.

Bali has a selection of food and dining place from cheap to elegant. Every area in Bali has its own privileges for the food. Let’s say Gilimanuk area that has presented the special Gilimanuk Fried Chicken that is very popular and Denpasar that has Nasi Djinggo (Djinggo Rice) that is super spicy. Ubud area also has Ibu Oka Pork Bolster that is famous. Besides Balinese dishes, we can also try international dishes and Indonesian dishes served in classy restaurants and cheap food stalls in Bali.

Bali is also called "shopping paradise". A variety of interesting options, from traditional markets to the famous boutiques can make us endlessly want to keep shopping. we can visit Sukawati Market and Ubud Art Market. If we want a little more trendy, Seminyak area with a row of famous boutiques along the way should be a reference.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Guci is the one of nature tourism in Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia. It is located at the foot of Mount Slamet the north with an altitude of approximately 1050 meters. The distance is about ± 30 from the city Slawi. This tourism object precisely in the village district Bumijawa of the most southern district in Tegal city.

There are about 10 waterfalls located in Guci. There are waterfalls with cold water and the name is a firearm. It is named because the waterfall around 15 meter high. It was owned by a village chief called Lurah firearm. To get around in some tourist attraction can be done by renting a horse with rental rates are relatively cheap. It has some facilities available include ladging (up to five star jasmine class), forest tourism (ecotourism), heated swimming pool, tennis court, soccer field, and the campsite.

This place is crowded visited by tourist. Water is released in the spring is warm water although containing sulfur but not foul smelling and colorful. In the vicinity of the baths have hotels Vases Garden Hotel and some Villa which can be rented with a fairly complete facilities. The price is relatively not too expensive. It is standart for rental villa units.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I went to Yogyakarta for a few day. I want to share with you about it and I have a new experience about it also. And these are the history about Yogyakarta city.

YOGYAKARTA is located in middle of Java Island – Indonesia and there are so many kind of old ancient temples. Yogyakarta was the center of ancient Mataram Kingdom which was prosperous and high civilized for a thousand years ago. This kingdom built Borobudur Temple which was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. It was about 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. And some other relics are Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples scattered throughout Yogyakarta. Ancient Mataram Kingdom moved its central government to East Java in the 10th century by some mysterious reason.

The magnificent temples were abandoned and partially buried by the eruption material of Merapi Volcano. Slowly, Yogyakarta region went back into the dense forest. Panembahan Senopati established the Islamic Mataram Kingdom in the region for six hundred years later. Yogyakarta became the witness of human history of a great Kingdom that ruled Java Island and it is surrounding area.

Islamic Mataram Kingdom was leaving a trail of ruins of fortress and royal tombs in Kotagede which recently is known as silver handicraft center in Yogyakarta. Giyanti agreement in 1755 divided the Islamic Mataram Kingdom into Kasunanan Surakarta be based in the city of Solo and Yogyakarta Sultanate which founded in Yogyakarta. Kraton (palace) still exists until today and is functioned as the residence of sultan and his family as well as hundreds of abdi dalem (the servant of the palace) who faithfully serve the palace voluntarily and run the tradition in the midst of changing times. At the palace, there are many cultural performances such as wayang kulit (puppet shadow play), gamelan (Javanese orchestra), and Javanese dance etc.Yogyakarta at present is a place where tradition and modern dynamics are going on together continuously. In this city, there is a palace which has hundreds of loyal servants to run the tradition, but there is also University of Gadjah Mada that is one of the leading universities in South East Asia. Some of its residents live in a strong agrarian culture. In the other side, there are also students who live with pop life-style.

Traditional markets and handicraft centers are numerous in the city where some of them located by the malls which are no less hectic.You will see Mount Merapi stands proudly almost as high as 10,000 feet at the north end of Yogyakarta. This mountain is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. The trace of its malignant of the 2006 eruption can be witnessed in the Village of Kaliadem, 30 km from the city of Yogyakarta. Mooi Indie style scenery of green rice field with Mount Merapi in the background can still be seen in the suburb area of Yogyakarta.You will find many beaches In the southern part of Yogyakarta. The most famous beach is Parangtritis with its legendary figure of Nyi Roro Kidul (Queen of the South), but Yogyakarta has also many natural beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul. You can see the Sadeng Beach which is an ancient estuary of Bengawan Solo River before the powerful forces lifted the surface of the southern part of Java Island so that the flow of the river turned to the north like today.

You can also visit Siung Beach which has 250 channels of rock climbing, Sundak Beach and many more. Yogyakarta has Prambanan Temple with 47 meters tall and was made by hand about 1100 the previous years. Yogyakarta owns natural beaches and Mount Merapi, which has a story of how powerful the force of nature is. Yogyakarta has a unique combination of ancient temples, history, traditions, culture and natural forces. Yogyakarta has traditional agrarian society.

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